Модераторы: svetkins, Vladimir_VRO
Why Should I Use Subsurface?
Subsurface profiles recreational scuba divers, tech divers, and diving professionals with an easy to use interface for planning and logging and organizing dives. Dives can be entered manually, via spreadsheets, directly from some other dive logging software, and most importantly from many dive computers. What if you change dive computers? This is no problem with Subsurface as it is not tied to a specific dive computer manufacturer. Subsurface is free and available on multiple platforms making it the perfect software for a wide range of scuba divers.
How can I post my dives on the web?
Currently Subsurface integrates with two different online logbooks: divelogs.de and DiveShare. You can export dives to either of those two services from the File➝Export menu.
Vadym писал(а):з якої програми та з яким розширенням імпортувався лог-файл?
I cannot download all my dives, only the most recent ones even though my dive computer's manual states that it records history of e.g. 999 dives.
Dive history is different than the dive profiles on the log. The history only keeps track of the total number of dives and total amount of time spent below surface. The logs, on the other hand, store the dive profile, but they have limited amount of memory to do so. The exact amount of dive profiles that can be stored on the device depend on sample interval and duration of the dives. Once the memory is full the oldest dives get overwritten with new dives. Thus we are only able to download the last 13, 30 or 199 dives.
If you have downloaded your dives to different dive logging software before they were overwritten, there is a high chance that Subsurface can import these. However, if the logs are only on your dive computer, they cannot be salvaged after being over written by new dives.
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